Our Team

David Russo, Founder

After 10 years working in the healthcare diagnostics industry, David left to pursue his own ventures. His dream was to start a non-profit that could generate it’s own revenue (like Newman's Own - look it up!). First was a real estate company, then a restaurant, a drone media business, and a telepsychiatry company. After varied success, David stopped everything to travel the US throughout 2021. During that trip, the idea of Cheeky Charity formed as a way to give back while hiking in the backcountry. David started an Instagram page, combining butt pics with helpful information related to colorectal cancer, leading to where we are now.

Board of Directors
Dr. Carlton, Bruce Winningham

Board of Advisors
Brett Klein, Jeff Taylor, CJ Tobe

Taylor (she/her), graphic designer
Lex (they/them), graphic designer
Alex (they/them), graphic designer
Jack (they/them), marketing strategist
Justin (he/him), survivor
Colin (he/him), website consultant

Want to make a difference at Cheeky Charity?