
About our work

Studies show that late-stage colorectal cancer is appearing in younger populations, with 900,000 people dying globally each year. Despite its prevalence, most people at risk don’t know they’re experiencing symptoms or that they should be regularly screened.

We’re on a mission to raise awareness about colorectal and anal cancers in a fun, cheeky, and approachable kind of way. We do this through our #CheekyChallenge, a social media movement that uses cheeky selfies to save lives, and through #MarchYourButt, a series of events like bar crawls, hikes, and our Sassy Soiree.

We focus specifically on helping young folks, LGBTQ+ communities, and people with a family history of CRC get the care they need to live long and healthy lives.

Case studies

Schedule an interview

We are available to give statements and interviews regarding colorectal cancer. Schedule time with our media team using the form below.

Cheeky stickers